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Florais de Bach | Fórmula Personalizada

See the list of Bach Flower Essences below and choose the ones you want in your Personalised Formula.

Anxiety. Inner restlessness masked by a youthful, radiant façade. Makes any sacrifice to maintain peace of mind and your environment. Avoids confrontation. May use alcohol or other drugs to ease mental torture.

Anxiety. Vague fears of unknown origin. Ex: fear of the dark, fear of death, etc... Apprehension. Bad feelings. Nightmares. Astral protector (for those who hear, see or experience sensations that are not of this physical plane).

Intolerant, critical, can't understand other people's faults. Demanding, easily irritated by other people's faults.

For the subservient, shy people who are easily dominated. Little willpower. Unable to say "no".


Doesn't trust their own judgement, seeks advice and confirmation from others. Always asking questions. Suggestible person, with a tendency to imitate others. Lacks focus and concentration, moves from one idea or task to another without finishing the previous one.


Cherry Plum
Fear of losing control and reason. Fear of going mad and doing terrible things. Suicidal thoughts. Mental and emotional repression.


Chestnut Bud
Inability to learn from past mistakes. Repeats the same mistakes over and over again. Difficulty at school. Repetition of patterns (relationship, family, etc.).


For "motherly" types who tend to exert excessive control over children, family and friends. Possessive and overprotective love, use emotional blackmail. Also suitable for children who are possessive of people or toys.


For dreamers - lack of interest in the present. For those who dream of the future. Lack of attention, forgetfulness, drowsiness.

Crab Apple
For those who feel physically dirty, low self-esteem, ashamed of themselves, non-acceptance of the physical body. Works as a physical and mental cleanser. For those who have been sexually abused.

For those who feel they won't have the strength to fulfil their responsibilities and suffer from stress. Overloaded.

Discouragement, pessimism. Discouraged when things don't work out or when there are difficulties of known cause. For those who get discouraged easily in any situation.

Despair, lack of faith. The person gives up because they think there's nothing more they can do to make the situation better.

Self-centred. Hates solitude. Incessantly looking for an interlocutor for matters of their own interest. Doesn't know how to listen. Sucks up other people's energies. Anxiolytic. When a subject or area of life takes on too much importance and you can't balance it and pay attention to other things.

Hatred, anger, jealousy, envy, aggression, greed. For those who want to forgive but can't.

For those who live in the past, remembering happy or unhappy times. Regret. Nostalgia, longing.

For laziness, the "Monday morning" feeling. Tiredness with no justifiable cause. Mental block. Lack of energy to tackle everyday tasks.

Impatience. Nervousness. Acceleration. Mental tension. Anxiety. For those who "want everything yesterday".

You feel inferior to others. You don't take risks or make an effort because you're convinced you're not capable. Very useful flower before an exam/interview. Improves self-confidence.

Fears and dreads of familiar things (illness, accidents, unemployment, public speaking, etc). Shyness. Shyness. Increases self-confidence and self-worth.

Deep sadness with or without apparent explanation. For situations involving the loss of loved ones, the end of a relationship, the loss of a job.

Tireless worker. Work always comes first and is his duty. For those who feel that life is a struggle and don't even allow themselves to rest. Feels responsible for everything and everyone, the pillar of the family or company.

For total mental and/or physical exhaustion. Exhaustion after illness or physical, mental or emotional wear and tear.

For guilt. The person blames themselves for the mistakes of others and for everything that goes wrong. Recrimination. Increases self-esteem.

Red Chestnut
Excessive concern and fear for the well-being of others. Fear that something bad will happen to the people they love.

Rock Rose
For fear that "paralyses". Fear, panic, terror. In children, for dread after nightmares.

Rock Water
For those who are excessively strict with themselves. Perfectionists. They want to be an example to others. They deny themselves even the simplest pleasures in life.

Uncertainty, indecision between two options. Lack of stability and balance. Alternating moods (joy and sadness, energy and apathy, laughter and tears, etc.).

Star of Bethlehem
For physical or mental trauma and its consequences. Indicated in situations such as accidents, bad news, great fright, loss of loved ones, etc. Also as preparation for surgery or any potentially traumatic event.

Sweet Chestnut
For extreme anguish. Feeling of having reached the limit. Indicated for the feeling that there is nothing left in life, no hope, no faith.

For those who feel and/or act exaggeratedly. Fanatical, owner of the truth, tries to convert others to their ideas and beliefs. Difficulty relaxing.

Dominant. Ambitious and determined. They don't ask, they tell. This remedy helps these people to be more understanding of others.


Helps people adapt to change (house, job, marriage, divorce, teething, puberty, menopause, etc.). Protects from other people's influences/opinions. For the fear that once you've gone ahead with the decision (change) there will be no turning back.


Water Violet
For those who prefer to be alone. Doesn't interfere in other people's affairs and doesn't like them interfering in their own. Emotionally cold person. For those who feel that they would only be fine alone "in a hut in the middle of a hill".


White Chestnut
Unwanted and repetitive thoughts that torment. Mental arguments. Fixed ideas. Torturous internal dialogues. Anxiety.


Wild Oat
For people who have difficulty choosing a professional vocation or path. Disorientation. For those who can't define (new) life goals.


Wild Rose
Resignation and complete apathy. You always let yourself go in the "passenger seat", others decide for you. Apathy in certain areas of life.


For those who feel they've suffered an injustice and can't forget it. Resentment, bitterness. For those who blame others and life for the things that happen. Envy.


Rescue Remedy
It's the "s.o.s" of the flower system. Helps to maintain calm and control in emergency situations of high stress and mental and/or emotional tension. Anxiolytic.

Bach Flowers | Personalised Formula

PriceFrom €19.90
  • 30ml bottle with pipette, ready to take;

    4 drops on the tongue, 4 times a day (e.g. at breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner). It's not necessary to take Bach Flowers with food; the important thing is to space out the 4 doses throughout the day. There's no point in taking more than 4 drops at a time, the effect won't be any greater, as the effect is provided by the number of doses taken throughout the day and not the quantity in each dose;

    With the general dosage, the 30ml bottle is enough for approximately 30 days of treatment. The shelf life of the bottle is 45 days (from the date of handling);


  • Manipulated product composed of flower essences + mineral water + preservative.

    You can choose between the preservative normally used in Bach Flower Essences (brandy) or the non-alcoholic preservative (cider vinegar).

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